Winnett Times Newsletters
Total production cost for each monthly Newsletter is approximately $975.
As long as we have funds, we will continue to mail the hard copy of the newsletter. If our funds become depleted, we will continue with the e-Version of the Newsletter only.
(PDF can be printed from the online version)
Thank you to Winnett ACES for being our Non-Profit Sponsor. Winnett ACES has agreed to handle funds on our behalf. Without their support & the support of the community this project could not happen. Thank you!
If you would like to sponsor the Newsletter
Winnett ACES, PO Box 11, Winnett, MT 59087
with “Newsletter” in the Memo, or donate online:
A huge THANK YOU to David Ponte, Publisher of “The Roundup Record Tribune & Winnett Times” for giving us copyright permission to use the old “Winnett Times” name on our newsletter. It has nostalgic value to our community and we appreciate your generosity!
Winnett Times Contact Info:
PO Box 11, Winnett, MT 59087
winnettimes@gmail.com & our Page